When, how and why they need to be taken
After serious accidents involving nuclear reactors, thyroid cancer is one of the greatest health risks for children and adolescents. Potassium iodide tablets provide effective protection if taken in good time.
In the light of battles being fought over Ukrainian nuclear power plants, the issue of potassium iodide tablets has been the subject of widespread public debate in recent weeks. Pharmacies are currently also noticing strong demand for the drug, so that many have had to reorder.
Who can take potassium iodide tablets?
The target groups for potassium iodide tablets are clearly defined:
- • Children and young people
- • Pregnant women and nursing mothers
- • Adults up to the age of 40
For all other groups, the risks associated with taking them outweigh the benefits.
The state has sufficient supplies of tablets available for these target groups. However, it is advisable generally to keep a supply of tablets in your home pharmacy. You can buy tablets cheaply in your local pharmacy. For people under the age of 18, they are free of charge.
In view of the high level of government stocks, panic buying is not necessary!
How do I get potassium iodide tablets in an emergency?
Each federal state has prepared plans for the distribution of tablets in the event of a disaster. All those affected can be supplied with tablets in a short time.
There are also stocks for children and young people at nurseries and schools, which will be handed out if required.
How do I find out when it is necessary to take potassium iodide tablets?
In the event of an emergency, you will receive all the necessary information from the radio or TV (ORF). They will
- • the target group (who?)
- • the dosage (how much?)
- • and the geographical area affected (where?)
Never take tablets as a precautionary measure, but only if instructed to do so!
Further information is available at radiationprotection.gv.at