This year’s civil defense test alarm will take place throughout Austria on October 5.
The more than 8,000 sirens and AT-Alert will be triggered. Between 12 noon and 12.45 pm, the three civil defense signals “Warning”, “Alarm” and “All-clear” will be broadcast throughout Austria after the “Siren rehearsal” signal. The test alarm serves on the one hand to check the technical equipment of the warning and alarm system, and on the other hand to familiarize the population with these signals and their meaning. The detailed procedure:

  • 12.00 noon Triggering of the “SIREN TEST” signal (15 seconds) at national level by the national warning centers
  • 12.15 p.m. Triggering of the “WARNING” signal (3-minute continuous tone) nationwide by the Federal Warning Center in the Situation Center BMI
  • 12.30 p.m. Triggering of the “ALARM” signal (1-minute rising and falling wailing tone) at national level by the national warning centers
  • 12.45 p.m. Triggering of the “DEWARNING” signal (1 minute continuous tone) at national level by the national warning centers

Information hotlines of the federal states:

  • BURGENLAND: 2682-66100
  • • KÄRNTEN/CARINTHIA: 050-536-57057
  • SALZBURG: 0662-8042-5454 or 0662-83999-0
  • • STEIERMARK/STYRIA: 0316-877-4444
  • • TIROL/TYROL: 0512-508 802277
  • VORARLBERG: 05522-201 or 05574-201
  • • WIEN/VIENNA: 01-4000-7524 or 01-4000-4001

Interpreting the signals:

  • • Siren test: 15 seconds
  • Warning: 3 minutes continuous tone – approaching danger! → Switch on the radio, TV or Internet and follow the instructions.
  • Alarm: 1 minute of rising and falling wailing – Danger! Go to a safe area or premises, follow the instructions on the radio, television or Internet.
  • All-clear: 1 minute continuous tone – end of danger! Follow further instructions on the radio, television or Internet.

The alarm test takes place throughout Austria, on the first Saturday in October every year.